The City of North Little Rock strives to build and maintain roads, sidewalks, and paths that make it safe and easy to get around our city and connect to surrounding areas, no matter which mode of transportation you use – walking, wheeling, biking, driving, or public transit.
In 2009, the City Council passed a Complete Streets resolution to ensure new development is built to accommodate all modes of transportation.
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Visit our Bicycle Friendly page for the complete guide to NLR’s bicycle resources and planning.
Walkability is a priority in North Little Rock, from the maintenance of sidewalks to more pedestrian-friendly signal timing and the improvement of areas arounds school zones to protect students walking to school. In 2012, the City formed a Complete Communities Committee to assess walkability and move North Little Rock towards better connected, walk-friendly neighborhoods.
- Arkansas Active Living Report by the Walkable and Livable Communities (WALC) Institute
- WALC Institute’s Walkability Workbook
- Park Hill Walkability Workshop Report
North Little Rock’s Planning and Engineering Departments ensure that new buildings and transportation facilities meet current ADA guidelines.
City staff involves accessibility advocates, such as Partners for Inclusive Communities, in its walkability and pedestrian planning efforts.