Friends of the Old Mill, Inc. (FOM) is a volunteer organization made up of citizens working with the NLR Parks and Recreation Department, the NLR Tourism, the NLR History Commission, and the Arkansas Master Gardeners Program. FOM is dedicated to improving and maintaining the integrity and beauty of T.R Pugh Memorial Park (commonly known as the Old Mill). T.R Pugh Memorial Park is a small (approximately 3 acres) North Little Rock, AR, city-owned park dedicated to the memory of the Arkansas pioneers. The park contains unique sculptures done by the renowned artist Señor Dionicio Rodriguez and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places (Site #86003585). Because the park and the historic structures located on it are so unique and have such a significant place in the memory of all who have visited it.
Tours and Weddings
- North Little Rock Parks and Recreation YouTube Channel.
- The Arkansas Historic Preservation Program’s monthly Sandwiching in History program produced a video for this program and is available through their Facebook and on their YouTube Channel.
- Guided Tours can be booked by calling NLR Tourism at 501-758-1424.
- Weddings can be booked by calling the North Little Rock Parks and Recreation Department at 501-791-8537.
Ongoing Activities
Throughout the year, small groups of FOM volunteers perform work details such as litter pick up, flower bed rejuvenation, vegetation maintenance, wildlife habitat maintenance, structure reconditioning, etc. in and around the park. All of our activities are dedicated to preserving and enhancing the park by going above and beyond what the city is able to do to maintain the park.
The FOM activities consist of, but are not limited to, working with the City Parks Department and the Pulaski County Master Gardener Program to:
- Maintain the historical integrity of the Old Mill site inside a virtual perimeter.
- Provide a park that will attract visitors and residents, and also give the community and students educational opportunities.
- Provide handicapped accessibility as much as is possible given the nature of the site.
- Install interpretive graphics to briefly explain the unique history of the park.
- Repair all original park features using appropriate materials.
- Perform pruning, thinning, and planting of permanent and seasonal landscaping appropriate for the historic setting.
- Address functional problems such as water quality and erosion.
- Generally maintain the beauty of the park.
- Provide volunteers to give tours, help with maintenance, and assist the City in any way possible.
- Using our 501(c)(3) non-profit status to raise funds to do all of the above.
Major Projects
Arkansas Historic Preservation Program
Improvements were recently completed at The Old Mill by Studio Cortes. Concrete work inside the mill, multiple bridge sculptures, stone walkways, and damaged areas were all part of the restoration effort at the historical location. These improvements were made possible with tax funds from the State of Arkansas and the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program, an Agency of the Department of Arkansas Heritage, and additional funding from the City of North Little Rock. Click to view photos:

Teacher Resources
You can also help by volunteering as a Friend of the Old Mill. We are looking for gardeners, manual laborers, grant writers, fund raisers, tour guides, or just moral supporters. For more information on how you can help, please contact Deeana Montgomery at, or the North Little Rock Convention and Visitor’s Bureau at 1-800-643-4690 / 501-758-1424,
Donate / Funding
While much of FOM’s contribution to the Old Mill is volunteer labor, significant working funds are needed for structural improvements, seasonal plantings, and general upkeep. (It isn’t easy keeping a 70-year-old “abandoned” mill looking abandoned, but amazingly beautiful!) The City of North Little Rock provides a basic level of funding for the park, but FOM conducts fund-raising activities like Memorial Donations, art sales, individual and corporate solicitations, and other innovative fundraising activities with all funds going toward improvements in the park. All donations are tax deductible. FOM IRS identification number is 20-2321344.
If you want to help, make checks payable to “Friends of the Old Mill, Inc.” and send it to:
Friends of the Old Mill, Inc.
506 Main Street
North Little Rock, AR 72114
T.R Pugh Memorial Park (The Old Mill)
3800 Lakeshore Drive • North Little Rock, AR 72116
GPS: 34° 47.480’N 92° 14.971’W / 34.791325° -92.249512°
Google Map Link