
North Little Rock strives to provide excellent sanitation service.  For information on our different services, please watch the video below which highlights our Recycling and Leaf Pick Up Programs. Please separate your Green Waste (yard clippings, bagged leaves, branches, etc.) from all other bulky items (couches, mattresses, chairs, tables, etc.).


  • Household Garbage Collection (Your regular pickup day would be Day 1)
    • The city of North Little Rock provides each household with one 96-gallon bin and weekly fully automated curbside collection service. The bin provided is the property of the city of North Little Rock and should not be altered, defaced, mutilated or removed from the residence upon exiting the structure. Additional bins are not available at this time. The wheeled bins are weather resistant and easy to maneuver, with tight-fitting lids that reduce problems with animals and other pests. Please place all recyclable products in the green bin provided by Waste Management.
    • When Can I put my bins out? By 7:00 a.m. on collection day, or after 5:00 p.m. the night before. image of stick figure pulling rash bin
    • When do I bring them back in? No later than 8:00 a.m. the following day and stored in a convenient place at your house.
    • What goes in the bin? Only typical household garbage goes into the bin. The garage must be placed in plastic bags and sealed to prevent loose litter from falling out of the bin into the streets and to help keep your bin clean.
      • Household garbage
      • Cardboard boxes
      • Clothes in plastic bags or cardboard boxes
      • Hardened, DRY paint
    • What does NOT go in the bin?
      • Yard waste (grass clippings, tree trimmings, leaves, etc.)
      • Building materials, construction debris, lumber, shingles, rocks, etc.
      • Household chemicals, medical waster, used oil, paint, etc.
      • Electronics, appliances, etc.
      • Any substance from a fire (hot coals, burnt leaves, ashes, etc.)
      • Dirt, masonry, paint or ammunition
      • Automotive parts, rocks, concrete, oil, and gasoline
    • What should I do with CHEMICALS that are not picked up?
      • Household chemicals or used oil can be dropped off at the location named below.
      • Please note: NO paint, car batteries, or fluorescent bulbs longer than 4’ can be dropped off.
      • Drop-off location:
        • 418 West 13th Street
          North Little Rock, AR 72114
      • Drop-off times:
        • Tuesday morning, 7 am – 9:30 am
        • Tuesday afternoon, 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm
        • Third (3rd) Saturday, 7 am – noon
    • What items can I schedule a pick-up from my home?
      • Refrigerator, air conditioner, or any item containing Freon.
    • Helpful Guidelines:
      • Place all garbage inside bin for collection.
      • Excess materials may be placed in a different container, which will be collected the same day.
      • Place the bin within five (5) feet of the street edge (but not in the street) with the handle facing away from the street.
      • Do not place bin directly underneath tree limbs or overhead object for safety reasons.
      • Overfilled bins will not be collected. Please do not attach any bungee cords or straps to keep the lid closed. We will not be able to dump your bin if the lid is strapped shut.
      • Park all vehicles allowing room for the sanitation truck on your scheduled collection day. Please be courteous of your neighbors by allowing room and not blocking collection of their bin as well.
      • Boxes must be broken down and placed inside the recycling bins provided by Waste Management.
      • image showing distance between bins
  • Yard Waste Collection (One day after your garbage is picked up)
    • Limbs
    • Bagged leaves and grass clippings (Green Waste)
    • Furniture, carpet, mattresses, and plywood
    • Appliances, toilets, plastic swimming pools and other recreational items
    • Refrigerators, air conditioners and freezers (with the compressor removed)
    • Lawnmowers (with the engine removed)

What is Green Waste?

  • Any biodegradable yard clippings, leaves (bagged or loose,) branches, stumps, sawdust, garden waste, and untreated and unpainted lumber.
  • Green Waste includes grass clippings, leaves, branches, and lumber.
  • Green Waste may be placed at the curb, anytime (do NOT place in the street)
  • Green waste must be separated from bulk items or garbage.
  • Green waste should be placed three (3) feet from bulk items or garbage.
  • Non-Green Waste may only be placed by the curb one day prior to pickup
  • Failure to separate the first time will result in written notification
  • Second failure will result in a $50 fee, assessed on your utility bill

Common reasons garbage is NOT picked up:

  • Garbage is not put out on time
  • Containers are more than 5’ from the curb
  • Containers placed behind a post, pole, limbs or parked cars
  • Garbage is ON and/or against a fence
  • Paper, or garbage is mixed with yard waste (Yard waste must be separated from other garbage.)
  • Miscellaneous items placed in boxes
  • Yard waste in boxes or garbage cans
  • Containers weigh more than 50 pounds or larger than 35 gallons
  • Garbage is under a power line or low limb

What is Construction & Demolition Debris?
Nonhazardous, uncontaminated material resulting from construction or demolition including; bricks, concrete, rocks, insulation, plaster, drywall, glass and roofing.

What are White Goods?
Appliances without Freon, such as washers, dryers, stoves, (air-conditioners and refrigerators with Freon removed)

What are Bulky Items?
Anything not falling into the above category and unable to fit into a regular sized garbage receptacle, such as; couches, mattresses, and other furniture and household items.


Tires are a special pickup. Please call 371-8345 or drop them off at Davis Rubber Company in Little Rock on East 15th St. It is illegal to dispose of used or waste tires or portions of used tires in the state unless the tires are disposed of for processing or collected for processing at a permitted waste tire processing facility.

The North Little Rock Sanitation Department is located at 1120 Sycamore Street. You should contact them at 501-371-8340 or with questions.


Please call 501-371-8340 for status, explanation, and more information of the Leaf Pick Up Program or click here.


The North Little Rock Recycling Program is provided by Waste Management which runs curbside pickup every two weeks. Holidays will sometimes affect the normal routine of our weekly curbside pickup. 

Check out this video about recycling from Waste Management. Click here.  It has some great information.

For general recycling questions please call 501-340-8787. The Region Recycling District oversees the recycling programs in Pulaski County.


Q.  Where can I recycle household electronics?

Q.  Where can I recycle hazardous waste (oil, gas, antifreeze, fluorescent bulbs)?

Q.  Can I throw away paint cans?
A.  If the paint can is empty then we will pick it up in normal garbage. If there is wet paint inside the can, please dry it out using newspapers or kitty litter.

*The goal here is to avoid the truck from smashing a can full of paint and having it flow all over our streets.


Garbage, Rubbish and Yard Waste501-371-8340
Curbside Recycling/Waste Management
Resident needing a new cart, or missed a pickup, call or email
Hazardous Material Center Info501-371-8340
Seasonal Loose Leaf Program501-371-8340

Condorious Breedlove (Condo) – Director
1120 Sycamore Street, North Little Rock, Ar 72114
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Phone: 501-371-8340
Fax: 501-340-5450