
All trails are now open.

North Little Rock has many miles of paved and unpaved trails, many of which are multi-use.  Whether you choose to walk, run, bike, skate, ride horseback, or just stroll, you will be able to check out various wildlife, plants, and scenic views along the way.  These trails offer many opportunities to view wildlife such as birds, deer, squirrels, rabbits, butterflies, fish, and even snakes. A wide variety of native plants and wildflowers are abundant along the trails. Scenic views can be seen from the Highlands Trail overlooking the bluffs, The Big Dam Bridge overlooking the Arkansas River, and almost anywhere along the trails.

The Paved Trails are generally asphalt, 10+ feet wide, and usually separated from motor vehicular traffic.  These trails are considered multi-use and used by runners, walkers, skaters, and cyclists.   Motorized vehicles (except wheelchairs) and saddle animals are not permitted.

The Unpaved and Natural Surface Trails are generally dirt and/or rocky, and narrow in places.  These trails are used by runners and walkers.  Some trails are also suited for mountain biking and horses.


Trail Tips

Trail etiquette fosters good relations among walkers, bicyclists, equestrians, landowners and other trail users.

  • Share the trail. Trail users should keep to the right side of the trail except when passing. Call out a warning when passing.
  • Yield to slower traffic. Slower traffic should keep to the right.
  • Be safe – move off the trail when stopped.
  • Groups should move into a single-file line to allow cyclists to pass.
  • Travel at safe and appropriate speeds.
  • Pay attention to trail markings and safety signs.
  • Use helmets and other protective gear.
    Use lights and reflective clothing at night.
  • Only non-motorized forms of transportation are allowed with the exception of motorized wheelchairs and emergency or maintenance vehicles.
  • Leave No Trace – If you bring it in, dispose of it properly or take it out.
  • Keep pets on a leash and remove pet litter.
  • Equestrian riders are to remain only on unpaved/natural surface trails.
  • Burns Park is a former military training site and old munitions have been found. If you see any, leave them alone, leave the area and call the police at 9-1-1.

Trail Issues…

Be a Trail Watcher, report:

  • Unsafe trail conditions to 501-791-8591
  • Other information to 501-791-8538
  • Emergencies – call 9-1-1

Arkansas River Trail

There are 7.5 miles of the Arkansas River Trail on the North Little Rock side of the Arkansas River and passes through six parks – North Shore Riverwalk Park, Riverview Park, Big Rock Quarry Park, Burns Park, Campbell Lake Park, and Cooks Landing Park.

River Flooding: