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Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting

Glenview Community Center 4800 E 19th Street, North Little Rock, Arkansas, United States

The Parks and Recreation Commission meets the third Monday (the following Tuesday if Monday is a holiday) of the month. A listing of the scheduled meeting dates, locations, and members can be found here.

Christmas Bazaar at the Hays Center

Hays Senior Center 401 W Pershing Blvd, North Little Rock, Arkansas, United States

Come and join us and shop at the bazaar with all kinds of vendors!

Frosting with Frosty

North Heights Community Center 4801 Allen Street, North Little Rock, Arkansas, United States

Come and join us for “Frosting with Frosty” at the North Heights Community Center (4801 Allen Street) on Saturday, December 21, 2024, from 1-3 pm as we decorate cookies, do some crafts, enjoy hot chocolate, watch a movie, and take a photo with a special guest or guests!

Reception Honoring Council Members Hight and Taylor

North Little Rock City Hall 300 Main Street, North Little Rock, AR, United States

You are invited to a reception honoring North Little Rock Council Members Charlie Hight and Maurice Taylor.

Event Series City Council Meeting

City Council Meeting

NLR City Hall Council Chambers 300 Main Street, North Little Rock, Arkansas, United States

The North Little Rock City Council meets the 2nd and 4th Monday at 6:00 pm in the City Hall Council Chambers. The agenda is posted by Wednesday prior to the upcoming meeting. You can watch our meetings on City Comcast Channel 11, AT&T U-Verse Channel 99, or the North Little Rock Government Facebook page. Find […]

Children’s Business Fair

Glenview Community Center 4800 E 19th Street, North Little Rock, Arkansas, United States

Arkansas Acton Children’s Business Fair – A Marketplace for Young Entrepreneurs The Arkansas Acton Children’s Business Fair, a one-day event showcasing businesses run by young entrepreneurs ages 6-18, will take place on Saturday, January 4, 2025 at Glenview Community Center (4800 E 19th Street, NLR, AR 72117) from 12-5 pm. This exciting marketplace offers kids […]

Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting – Cancelled

North Little Rock Community Center 2700 Willow Street, North Little Rock, Arkansas, United States

The Parks and Recreation Commission meets the third Monday (the following Tuesday if Monday is a holiday) of the month. A listing of the scheduled meeting dates, locations, and members can be found here.

Event Series City Council Meeting

City Council Meeting

NLR City Hall Council Chambers 300 Main Street, North Little Rock, Arkansas, United States

The North Little Rock City Council meets the 2nd and 4th Monday at 6:00 pm in the City Hall Council Chambers. The agenda is posted by Wednesday prior to the upcoming meeting. You can watch our meetings on City Comcast Channel 11, AT&T U-Verse Channel 99, or the North Little Rock Government Facebook page. Find […]