The purpose of Neighborhood Services is to assist and coordinate with neighborhood action groups in furthering their goals of reducing crime, preserving history, and preserving the culture of North Little Rock’s neighborhoods. Also to assist neighborhood action groups with preventing blight and deterioration of property values and improving the quality of life in our residential neighborhoods.
Services currently provided by this office include assisting with the preparation of meeting announcements, providing necessary supplies for distribution of this material, and providing equipment for meetings. Neighborhood Services publishes a bi-monthly newsletter with neighborhood information. For placement on the mailing list contact our office.
We loan equipment for use in special events within North Little Rock city limits only.
Reservation requests should be made in writing and include the event date, equipment being requested and a description of the event. Equipment is loaned on a first come first served basis. Neighborhood groups and official city functions take precedence over other groups/events. We work with different groups on the amount of equipment they need to ensure that one group does not monopolize the program. It is possible that late callers on busy weeks will be shut out and will not have equipment left to borrow.
We do not loan equipment for private/personal events.
While we do loan to churches, we only loan for secular events that include the entire neighborhood surrounding the church. For example we would loan for a health fair or job fair being held at a church if the neighborhood is invited and the primary focus of the event is secular. We will not loan for a revival, bible study class, bible school/camp, or anniversary events.
We require that groups pick up the equipment and return the equipment in clean working order to our storage areas. Excessive breakage will result in a group not being allowed to borrow equipment in the future.
We provide street barricades to groups that have successfully applied for street closures through the City. The same rules apply for barricades that apply to equipment as far as picking up and returning. We will loan barricades to any group for any purpose that has an authorized street closure because it is a public safety issue. At least sixty (60) days in advance an original event application must be submitted to the City Department managing the public property or facility.

Dan Scott – Director
3427 N. Magnolia
North Little Rock, AR 72116
Phone: 501-791-8500
Fax: 501-791-8516
Email: NLRNeighborhoodServ@nlr.ar.gov
Shirley Abel – Assistant Director
Beau Cooper – Neighborhood Services Liaison