How do I reserve a pavilion, the Hospitality House in Burns Park, or other Club House?
For the Pavilions in Burns Park, the Hospitality House and other Club Houses – call 501-791-8537 or email  NLRPRReservations@nlr.ar.gov

Are there meeting rooms available?
Yes, at each of our community centers.  Please contact a community center for availability.

I want to hold an event in a park.  Is there a form I need to fill out?
Yes.  A Special Event Application will need to be submitted to our Special Events Team and the form will go through a review process. Questions about the application, guidelines, or process? Call 501-906-6300 or email NLRPREvents@nlr.ar.gov.

Who do I call to get information on using the soccer, baseball, and softball fields?
For availability and scheduling, contact our Field Reservations at 501-906-6300 or by email at nlrprfieldreservations@nlr.ar.gov .
The Weather Rain Out number is 501-798-0200.

Who do I call to turn in a work order for the parks?
Call our Parks Maintenance Division at 501-791-8591.

I want to get married at the Old Mill. What number do I call?
Call 501-791-8537. Guidelines

 What time does the Old Mill open and close?
Daily: 8:00 am – sunset

What time are the gates allowing access to the boat launching ramps in Burns Park locked?
The gates to the Boat Launch ramp at Victory Lake are locked at 9:00 p.m.
The gates to the Boat Launch ramp by the Golf Course to access the Arkansas River are locked at 12:00 midnight and reopen at 6:00 a.m.

How do I get to the skatepark?
From Pike Avenue, go south on Pike Avenue. The road will come to a round-a-bout and take the first right turn onto Rockwater Boulevard. Follow it to River Road and turn right (the only way you can turn). Follow River Road for about 1 mile. The skatepark will be on your left in Riverview Park.

Who do I call if I notice something suspicious in one of the parks or on the trail?
If you believe it is an emergency, contact the NLR police at 9-1-1.  Otherwise contact our park ranger at 501-580-7095.

Is there a copy of the fees and charges for memberships, programs, reservations, and more?
Yes, the 2024 schedule of fees is available here as a PDF(Revised May 20, 2024)

If I have a question that is not answered here, who can I contact with my question?
Call 501-791-8538 or email parksandrec@nlr.ar.gov and they can direct you to the appropriate division or staff person.