Women’s History Month 2022

Every year, March is designated Women’s History Month by presidential proclamation. The month is set aside to honor women’s contributions in American history. The City of North Little Rock is proud to honor local women during this month.

In 1980, a consortium of women’s groups and historians—led by the National Women’s History Project (now the National Women’s History Alliance)—successfully lobbied for national recognition. In February 1980, President Jimmy Carter issued the first Presidential Proclamation declaring the Week of March 8th 1980 as National Women’s History Week. 

Subsequent Presidents continued to proclaim a National Women’s History Week in March until 1987 when Congress passed Public Law 100-9, designating March as “Women’s History Month.” Between 1988 and 1994, Congress passed additional resolutions requesting and authorizing the President to proclaim March of each year as Women’s History Month. Since 1995, each president has issued an annual proclamations designating the month of March as “Women’s History Month.”
We will be highlighting several women during this month. They will be featured on Facebook (CityofNorthLittleRock) and Twitter (nlrgov), and website.



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